49 white male with tattoos, heading to Port Aransas this upcoming weekend, probably going Saturday April 20th sometime and coming back the next day.
Just going for the ocean view, fresh air, and maybe hit up a few local shops.
I'm just going for the relaxation of it.
Got a parking permit to park on the beach and camp in back of the truck overnight! Has a topper on the back that's dry, secure, and private.
Super relaxing.
Anyway, not expecting any hook up or anything of the sort, and your safe with me.
ONLY if your SERIOUS about wanting to go send me a message.
Not looking to get messages to be followed up with silence, it's okay to be honest and communicate.
Ghosting is for kids, not me.
Anyway I'm safe, sane and just needing the sound and views of the ocean to settle me back to earth.
Not looking to talk about problems or issues, just relax and forget all of that for the time there.
Could give a lift if tour going that way.
Don't really care if anyone goes or not, this is something I need to do for myself but just thought if be great to maybe make a new friend.
I don't know.